1. General information:
Bagneux is a French municipality in the Hauts-de-Seine department and a member of the Communauté d’Agglomération Sud de Seine created in 2005. The town is rich in historical, cultural and human heritage, which can most clearly be seen in the heart of the town – le Coeur de Ville – whose rustic spirit remains unchanged. The local traditions have also survived, particularly those of the vineyards and stonemasonry which proudly adorn the town’s coat of arms. However, a further source of wealth – arguably the most important – is the human and cultural diversity of Bagneux which solidifies the town’s commitment to its values of justice, friendliness and humanism.
Population: 38,495 inhabitants
Location: France, Hauts de Seine
Official website: www.bagneux92.fr
Safety contract: A three year plan regarding prevention and security (Stratégie Territoriale de Prévention et de Sécurité) was signed in 2012. Bagneux, engaged from the start in town policy contractual procedures, relies on the involvement of stakeholders from institutions and associations. The town’s Council for Crime Prevention (C.C.P.D., according to its French acronym) has been in place since 1983 to support activities responding to the problems caused by crime in the area, in partnership with local stakeholders. Bagneux also signed the Contrat d’Action de Prévention (C.A.P.) in 1987, which secured a financial partnership with the State regarding preventative action against delinquency.
In 1999, Bagneux signed a local security contract (Contrat Local de Sécurité) with the State, the Tribunal de Grande Instance (French equivalent of the Crown Court), and the Academy Inspectorate of Hauts-de-Seine.
Since 1982, the town has taken part in the “opérations Anti été chaud” plan (now called ‘Ville Vie Vacances’) which was put in place for the summer holiday period but has since been extended to cover all school holidays.
These measures have existed in Bagneux alongside the city contract which, according to its objectives and modus operandi, combines prevention measures with actions linked to prevention policies.
The town created its Local Council for Security and Crime Prevention in accordance with the legislation in force at the time, through a decision of the Municipal Council on 26 November 2002. The new council replaces the Communal Council for Crime Prevention (CCPD, according to its French acronym), and the monitoring body of the Local Security Contract.
Mayor: Marie-Hélène Amiable
Twinned with: Vanadzor (Armenia), Grand-Bourg (Guadeloupe)
Official website: www.bagneux92.fr
2. The City in our Network:
“The network not only allows us to forge relations with other local authorities and municipalities, but also it provides the resources to support us as we reflect on the issue of public order. This cooperation between European towns and cities allows the exchange of know-how between countries with different political cultures”.
Mouloud Haddad, Deputy Mayor of Bagneux, responsible for public order, neighbourhood life and citizenship
The City and Efus
Member since: 2014
The City and the National Forum (FFSU)
Member of the Executive Committee since : 2015
General Assembly, 25 June 2014 in Paris
Support mission: development of a local security diagnosis and of a territorial security and crime prevention strategy, 2014
3. Project Files (Best practice forms)
- Municipal Commitments Watchdog of Bagneux (ODE) Experience 2008 – 2014
4. Further information
News from the city:
The town is undertaking a series of activities, including:
– Increasing security in public spaces (development of situational crime prevention) by means of the town (‘citizenship service’) and the national police: the aim is to improve the lighting in public spaces by replacing all the streetlamps with more economical models with multidirectional mountings. These should reduce the scattering of light, making sure all dark spots are accounted for. An improvement in the lighting of the traffic light system, by installing LED technology, will increase their visibility, including in well lit areas.
– Increasing security in private spaces (development of situational crime prevention) through landowners, associations of co-owners and the National Police. The objectives are to improve living conditions and to improve the lighting of public and private spaces, particularly in high-traffic areas and parking places.
– Promoting and developing the projects of the ‘Maison de Justice et du Droit’ MJD (individual accompaniment of children; parental responsibility). The objectives are to raise awareness of the existence and the role of the MJD among professionals such as those in the ‘Balnéolais ’ population, and to intensify the partnership work with the MJD.
– In the Local Council for Security and Crime Prevention (CLSPD, according to its French acronym):
The Commission on Addiction : The stakeholders work as a network, exchanging information on the evolution of the situation and proposing initiatives on information and training schemes. The commission laid the basis for the development of a number of risk prevention initiatives, such as Stéribox, a programme to distribute and replace syringes either in pharmacies or ‘Distriboxes’ or ‘totems’ – a type of vending machine for sterile syringes equipped with a collection box (Gand’box) for used ones.
The help network for school drop-outs: each unresolved case of an early school leaver is reviewed by a body of representatives so that the student can be assisted in the most appropriate way.
Alternative measures to prosecution and imprisonment: Community work measures apply to leavers younger than 16 years old and to adults, as well as penal compensation measures.
The MJD: As part of the city contract, the Legal Advice Centre is the result of close cooperation between the judicial institution represented by the Public Prosecutor and the Mayors of the 4 towns of the ADIB (Association Développement Intercommunal Blagis): Bagneux, Bourg-la-Reine, Fontenay-aux-Roses and Sceaux. Created in 1993, the Legal Advice Centre oversaw the development of its proposed services until its conversion into the ‘Maison de la Justice et du Droit’, signed 29th January 2004 by the Mayors of the 4 towns and the group of institutional stakeholders. The ‘Maison de la Justice et du Droit’ can be found at 8 Bis Rue de la Sarrazine. The premises have been enlarged and refurbished by the ADIB, who cover the costs of two permanent employees and the operating and maintenance costs of the premises.
Bagneux Municipal Commitments Watchdog (ODE, according to its French acronym): the ODE is one example of citizen participation in Bagneux, describing itself as an independent and objective body which remains critical but constructive. Its representatives come from a variety of backgrounds and make every effort to represent the true reality of the situation. Their job is not to judge the municipal programme but to assess the state of the municipality’s achievements at the end of each year: to see what has been done, what is being done and what still remains. At the request of the elected representatives, the ODE prepares its observations and submits its suggestions.
Implementation of a plan to combat anti-social behaviour: developing a sense of citizenship in the neighbourhoods. Implementation of a partnership between the National Police and elected representatives (monthly meetings with the elected representatives): operational meetings with service providers and regular meetings with tenants’ associations.