
1. General Information :

Population: 91 150 inhabitants

Location: [link url=”,+Hainaut,+R%C3%A9gion+Wallonne,+Belgique&z=11″]Belgium[/link]

Official website

Website of the crime prevention service:

Twinned with: Vannes (France), Briare (France), Thoissey (France), Sefton (United Kingdom), Changsha (China), Little Rock (United States)

2. The city in our network :

The city and Efus:

Member since : 1995

Member of the Executive Committee since : 2002

Participated in:

  • Presentation at the International conference of Saragossa, Spain, November 2nd- 4th 2006
  • Partner in the project Secucities Cultures of Prevention, 2005-2006
  • Partner in the project Local elected officials and crime prevention, 2004
  • Partner in the project Organising safety and social sanitary prevention during large musical events, 1999-2000


  • General Assembly, Cascais, Portugal, 27th June 2013
  • General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, 7th June 2012
  • Cities facing collective violence, Toulouse, France June 26th 2009
  • 1983-2008, Is security still everybody’s affair?, Paris, France, December 5th, 2008
  • Conference on Local Safety Audits, Brussels, Belgium, March 27th 2008
  • Seminar on EU funds, Brussels, Belgium, June 14th-15th 2007
  • International conference of Saragossa, Spain, November 2nd- 4th 2006
  • Democracy, cities and Drugs, Seminar of Rome, Italy, June 10th 2005

3. Best Practice forms :

  • School programme of the city, Mons, 2004
  • Rock festival and drugs, Mons, 2004
  • Safety and society contract, Mons, 2001
  • Fight against burglaries, Mons, 2002
  • Prevention and cohesion agent, Mons, 1997
  • Management of night sports, Mons, 1996