

1. General Information :

Population: 1.274.765 inhabitants (2013)

Location: Italy

Official website

Website of the crime prevention service

Twinned with: Bethlehem, Palestina;  Birmingham United Kingdom; Chicago, United States; Cracovia, Poland; Daegu, South Korea; Dakar, Senegal; Frankfurt, Germany; Lyon, France; Melbourne, Australia; Osaka, Japan; Sao Paulo, Brazil; Saint Petersburg, Russia; Shanghai, China; Tel Aviv, Israel; Toronto, Canada

2. The city in our network :

The city and Efus:

Member since: 2004

Participated in:

  • Meetings of the DCD project in 2005 and 2007

Attended :

  • International conference of Saragossa, Spain, November 2nd- 4th 2006

The City and the Italian Forum (Fisu):

Hosted :

3. Project files :