

1. General Information:

Bari is the capital city of the province of Bari and of the Puglia Region, on the Adriatic Sea, in Italy. It is the second most important economic centre of mainland Southern Italy after Naples, and is well known as a Harbour and University City.

Population: 320.000


Official website

Website of the crime prevention service

Twinned with: Corfu, and Patras (Greece), Banja Luka (Bosnia Herzegovina), Durrës (Albania), Mar de Plata (Argentina) Guangzhou (republic of China), Batumi (Georgia), Bandung (Indonesia), Sumqayit(Azerbaijan)

2. The city in our network:

The city and Efus:
Member since: 2008, member of executif Committee since 2011


  • General assembly, May 19th 2011

The City and the Italian Forum

Member of the Executive Committee 2008-2011

Hosted :

  • Seminar “Towards the General Assembly of the Italian Forum for Urban Safety: a reflection about the program and the reorganization of the FISU”, May 17th 2006


3. Best practices form:

4. Further information:

  • “Agenzia per la lotta non repressiva alla criminalità organizzata” was nominated “Best international practice” 2008 by UNICRI.