Efus at the inaugural meeting of the newly-formed Civil Society Forum on Drugs

Brussels, Belgium, July 2018Recently re-elected as member of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF), a consultative body at the European Commission, Efus took part in the inaugural meeting hosted by the Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs, on 3-4 July in Brussels, to meet EC representatives together with other civil society organisations and discuss activities planned for the next three years.

The Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSF) is a broad platform for a structured dialogue on drugs between the Commission and European civil society, which supports policy formulation and implementation through practical advice. It is renewed partially every three years, and Efus has been a member since its inception, in 2007.

As a member of the working group “Input on the EU Drug Action Plan”, Efus will bring in the perspective of local and regional authorities on policies to reduce the harm caused by drugs and addictions across Europe. Furthermore it advocates drug policies that take into account the needs of stakeholders at the local level and respect the principles of non-discrimination and respect for the fundamental rights.

The next regular assembly of the Civil Society Forum on Drugs will take place in November in Brussels in conjunction with the Civil Society Involvement in Drug Policy Conference and the annual meeting of the Civil Society Forum on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis.