SAVE THE DATE: 2017 General Assembly 18-19 May 2017

2017 General Assembly
18-19 May 2017
Rimini, Italy


Paris, March 2017 – Efus’ 2017 General Assembly will be held on 18 May in Rimini, Italy. This meeting, a key moment in the life of our association, will be dedicated to reviewing the activities of last year and discussing Efus’ strategic plan, in addition to preparing the upcoming 2017 Security, Democracy & Cities international conference. It is also a unique opportunity to all meet and exchange.

Furthermore, the Executive Committee will hold its bi-annual meeting on the 18th.

Registration is now open on Efus Network, where you will be able to complete the registration form, see the programme and find practical information. Please click on the link below: 

> General Assembly 2017 <

If you haven’t yet received your access code to Efus Network, please contact Suzanne Daurat:

The general meeting will be followed on 19 May by a EU seminar:  The rise of polarisation and radicalisation in Europe.