
1. General Information :

Bordeaux is a city in the south-west of France. It is the capital of the Aquitaine region, as well as the prefecture of the Gironde department. Bordeaux is the largest city in the urban community of Bordeaux, with a population of 232 260 inhabitants (2006) and its metropolitan area has almost one million inhabitants. The urban community of Bordeaux (27 Communes) has a population of 714 727 inhabitants,  a third of which are under 25 years old. The city is famous all over the world for its vineyards, particularly since the 18th century which was very much Bordeaux’s golden age. Capital of the former province of Guyenne (now the northern Aquitaine region), Bordeaux is part of the province of Gascony and is located on the border of the Landes de Gascogne. A part of the city, the Port de la Lune, was put on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007 as an outstanding urban and architectural ensemble.

Population: 239,399 inhabitants (2011)

Location: France

Official Website

Twinned with: Bristol (United Kingdom) since 1947, Lima (Peru) since 1957, Quebec (Canada) since 1962, Munich (Germany) since 1964, Los Angeles (the USA) since 1968, Porto (Portugal) since 1978, Fukuoka (Japan) since 1982, Ashdod (Israel) since 1984, Madrid (Spain) since 1984,  Casablanca (Morocco) since 1988, Saint Petersburg (Russia) since 1992, Kracow (Poland) since 1993, Riga (Latvia) since 1993, Wuhan (China) since 1998, Bamako (Mali) since 1999, Bilbao (Spain) since 2000, Oran (Algeria) since 2003, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) since 2005, Ramallah (Palestine) since 2007

2. The City in our Network :

alexandra siari elus portrait mandature 2014 2020

“The Forum’s network is well known to the city of Bordeaux. We expect specific and specialised insights into our greatest issues, which are changing all the time. We have a lot in common with other European cities, groups of people moving between our territories and issues to work on together. Cooperation between cities is necessary, therefore, as we are at our most competent when we work together.”

Alexandra Siarri, Deputy Mayor of Bordeaux in charge of social and territorial cohesion, and Regional Advisor of Aquitaine

The City and Efus

Member of the European Forum for Urban Security since 1993

Member of the Executive Committee 2007-2009

Participated in:


The City and the French Forum (FFSU)

Executive Committee Member from 2001 to 2004, 2007 to 2010 and since 2012

  • Vice President since 2012
  • President of the FFSU until 1997


  • General Assembly FFSU, Bordeaux, 5 October 1995.

Participated in:

  • Working group: Local Authorities- Justice, 26 February 2014
  • Training session “Addictive behaviour”, 18-19 November 2009
  • Training session “Juvenile Justice System and Crime Prevention”, FFSU, 24-25 April 2008
  • 4 day training session on “The las on crime prevention”, FFSU, 2008
  • “The city, the night”: nighttime observation and working group meeting in Lyon, 2014
  • Safer Drinking Scenes: 2010-2013 Nantes, Bordeaux, Brest, La Rochelle, Reggio Emilia (Italy), Liège, Anvers (Belgium), Stuttgart, Düsseldorf  (Germany), Kinston Upon Thames (England), Rotterdam (Holland)
  • Training session “Group violence and trafficking”, September 2013
  • 2-day Training Programme “Insecurity on the street and at night“, 5-6 June 2012
  • FFSU Working Group “Binge Drinking” 2007-2009
  • Candidate for the Crime Prevention Prize 2008
  • “Crime Prevention in Public Spaces” France 2008


  • Final conference of the “Safer Drinking Scenes” project, Nantes, 2013
  • Conference “Children and adolescents: all minors?” on the review of the Juvenile Justice System, FFSU, 10 February 2009
  • Conference “1983-2008, is security still everyone’s concern?”, Efus and the FFSU, Paris, 5 December 2008
  • Conference “CCTV: prevention, surveillance or protection?” onthe national and local issues regarding the development of video surveillance, FFSU, 18 October 2005
  • Training Session on “Juvenile justice and crime prevention”, FFSU, 24-25 April 2008
  • Lunch- debate on “Suburban Hope”, FFSU, 2 April 2008
  • Conference on “The authority of mayors and information for them” concerning the role of mayors in crime prevention, La Rochelle, France, 16 May 2007
  • 4-day training programme on “The law on crime prevention”, FFSU, 2008
  • General Assembly, FFSU Paris, 25 June 2008
  • General Assembly, La Rochelle, 25 June 2007
  • Conference on “Nightlife businesses”, Rennes, 26-27 June 1997

3. Project Files (Best practice forms) :

4. Further Information :

  • Festiv’attitude aims to reduce the number of cases of violence and antisocial behaviour linked to alcohol, particularly around nightclubs, on station platforms, on railway station forecourts or at the end of the week on public transport. They work on prevention in secondary schools. In 2010 new programmes were set up. They work specifically with students to help organise a “festiv’attitude” evening.

  • The Children’s Council, a “Youth Health” commission by the Local Health Council, was created in 1999. Since 2001 it has run the campaign, paying attention to young people, making parents and professionals aware of illnesses, promoting earlier diagnosis, providing information on emergency shelters and healthcare by making and distributing leaflets and telephone directories, organising meetings in neighbourhoods, round table discussions and training sessions. National School of Magistrates open in Bordeaux since 1958.

Community Social Support Centre