1. General Information :
Population: 872 680 inhabitants
Location: Capital and most populous city of the Netherlands
Twinned with: Beijing (China), Istanbul (Turkey)
2. The City in our Network :
Member since 2017
Population: 872 680 inhabitants
Location: Capital and most populous city of the Netherlands
Twinned with: Beijing (China), Istanbul (Turkey)
Member since 2017
– available soon –
1. General Information : The Hague (Dutch: Den Haag) is the seat of the Dutch government and parliament, the Supreme Court, and the Council of State and the capital…
1. General Information : The State Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony (LPR) was founded in 1995 on the basis of a resolution of the Lower-Saxon State Government…
1. General Information : Population: 91 150 inhabitants Location: [link url=”http://maps.google.fr/maps?q=mons&oe=utf8&client=firefoxa&ie=UTF8&hl=fr&hq=&hnear=Mons,+Hainaut,+R%C3%A9gion+Wallonne,+Belgique&z=11″]Belgium[/link] Official website Website of the crime prevention service: Twinned with: Vannes (France), Briare (France), Thoissey (France), Sefton…