Publication: European Practices for Social Integration through Sport

EPSITS_catalogue_ENG_coverSport is a powerful tool to reinforce social cohesion as well as to prevent violence linked to exclusion and discrimination given that it disseminates values including tolerance, respect, solidarity and fair-play.

In 2016, Efus organised the European Prize for Social Integration through Sport to give visibility to tried and tested or promising initiatives so that they can further develop and inspire others -at a local, regional, national or European level.

Five projects were rewarded by a European jury for their impact, their innovative character, the strength of the partnership involved and the attention paid to vulnerable groups, out of more than 200 applications submitted across 22 countries.

In addition, around 20 projects that were deemed of particular interest by the jury have been selected to be published alongside the five winning projects in the collection of practices presented below.

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The five winning practices
