The Partnership on the Security of Public Spaces of the EU Urban Agenda calls the EU’s institutions to include local and regional authorities in the elaboration of the new Cohesion Policy Funds Regulation

January 2021 – Urban Authorities that are members of the Partnership on the Security of Public Spaces of the Urban Agenda for the European Union, which is co-led by the cities of Nice (France), Madrid (Spain) and Efus, have called the EU institutions to “acknowledge, consider and involve [them] in the elaboration of any foreseen relevant regulation related to the Cohesion Policy and in the programming of the new Cohesion Policy,” in a declaration published on 30 November 2020.

The Cohesion Policy is the European Union’s “main investment policy and one of its most concrete expressions of solidarity” among the different Member States. It is currently being revised and modernised for the next multi-annual budget covering the period 2021-2027.  

In particular, the local and regional authorities members of this Partnership call on the EU institutions to take into account the Partnership’s Action Plan and recommendations when designing new or reviewing existing EU-supported initiatives.

For a Europe closer to its citizens

The involvement of local and regional authorities across the European Union in the drafting of the new Cohesion Policy Funds Regulation is of particular importance as they represent the level of governance that is closest to citizens. Hence, the members of the partnership believe they should play a key role in the design and  implementation of any relevant policies and innovative practices that seek to enhance the security of public spaces and the feeling of security of citizens.

The signatories of the declaration argue that their involvement in modernising the EU’s Cohesion Policy would satisfy one of the main objectives sought by the EU of “a Europe closer to its citizens” (Policy Objective nº 5). Indeed, this objective envisions a more horizontal approach and seeks to support locally-led development strategies and sustainable urban development across the EU. 

> Read the declaration

* Besides Efus (FR, Coordinator) the Partnership includes the following local and regional authorities: Madrid (ES, Coordinator), Nice (FR, Coordinator), Brussels-Capital Region (BE), Helsinki (FI), Lille Métropole (FR), Mechelen (BE), Regione Toscana (IT), Riga (LV), Toruń (PL), Unione della Romagna Faentina (IT)
National authorities: Ministry of Transport (CZ); Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning (HR).
Other participants include the European Commission (DG REGIO, DG HOME, JRC, DG CONNECT, DG EMPL, …) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).
Other actors and observers include Eurocities, the URBACT secretariat, the City of Toruń (PL); UN Habitat and the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).

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