Two important European meetings in October, in Nice and Brussels

Paris, France, September 2019 – Efus is participating or co-organising two important European events in October, to which all members are invited: the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels (BE), from 7 to 10 October, and the European Week of Security in Nice (FR), from 14 to 18 October.

 >>Partnership of the Urban Agenda for the European Union on the security of public spaces

The theme of the 2019 European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC) will be “Regions and Cities: Pillars of the EU’s Future”. All 13 thematic partnerships of the Urban Agenda for the European Union will present their work, in particular the Partnership on the security of public spaces, which will hold a workshop on 9 October. Efus’ President, Mayor of Liège (BE) Willy Demeyer, will give a speech at this event, which is organised with the Urban Agenda members.

Since January 2019, Efus is coordinating with the cities of Nice and Madrid (ES) the new Partnership on the security of public spaces of the Urban Agenda for the European Union, through which Member States and European institutions work together to strengthen the role of cities in European security policies, to increase the sharing of knowledge and good practices, and to advocate at European level legislative reform and new funding frameworks. The Partnership has already produced a positioning paper and is working on its action plan. Its fourth coordination meeting will be held on 9 & 10 October, in Brussels.

>>European Week of Security in Nice in the framework of the PACTESUR project

The city of Nice is organising and hosting the European Week of Security as part of the PACTESUR European project (January 2019 – December 2021) on the protection of urban public spaces against terrorist threats, which it leads and in which Efus is a partner.

The event will address a number of topics such as the terrorist threats, the protection of public spaces, European projects on security and on the use of new technologies. It will be introduced by the Mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, and European Commissioner Julian King.

It will also be an opportunity to share with the public the results of the first annual meeting of the group of cities and experts associated to PACTESUR, which is coordinated by Efus. Participants will discuss the sharing of information and communication between citizens and their government as agreed at their first meeting in Gdansk (PL) in July.

Three European projects in which Efus is a partner – PACTESUR, PROTECT and Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) – will be featured in presentations and workshops. Furthermore, there will be several field visits as well as a three-day training aimed at the police forces of partner and associated cities.

> More information on the European week in Brussels: