Signing of a cooperation agreement between Efus and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces

Madrid, Spain, December 2017 — The European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP according to the Spanish acronym), which gathers 90% of the country’s local authorities, formalised their mutual willingness for cooperation by signing an agreement in September.

Through this framework-agreement, both organisations commit to developing common activities for security and crime prevention over the next few years, focusing on several areas.

The first consists in developing mutual cooperation either at the national level in Spain or at the European level in order to draft security and crime prevention projects, in particular those linked to European or national institutions.

Furthermore, Efus commits to cooperating with FEMP member municipalities in designing local activities that will require technical or political support. Efus’ contribution can be about any of the themes on which it works, such as the prevention of discrimination or radicalisation, or the management of nightlife, and consist in support for the design, implementation or evaluation of local security policies.

Apart from these activities, and also in the framework of this agreement, Efus took part in the FEMP’s Committee for Security and Social Coexistence, on 13 December in Madrid, in the presence of Amparo Marco Gual, Chair of this committee and Mayor of Castellón de la Plana, which is member of Efus and of its Executive Committee.

Meeting between Efus and the FEMP in Barcelona