
1. General Information

Amiens is the capital of the Picardy region in Northern France. It is a hub of communication links between Paris and Northern France, Normandy and Benelux, as well as between France and the United Kingdom. Amiens is the administrative centre and capital of the Somme department in Picardy. With a population of almost 135,000 inhabitants (called “Amiénois”), Amiens is the most populated commune in the region and the 18th largest city in France (2011). Situated in the centre of the Paris-London-Brussels triangle, Amiens’ urban area accounts for 292,667 inhabitants (2009) which itself is just the heart of the Grand Amiénois area encompassing almost 340,000 inhabitants.

The modern image of the city is closely linked to three of its distinguishing features whose impact can be felt far beyond its borders: its role as regional capital of Picardy, the importance of its university and the vitality of its cultural scene which is supported by facilities and events organised at a national level.

Population: 133,327 inhabitants (2011)

Location: France

Official website:   Ville d’Amiens.

Safety contract: First Local Security Plan signed in 1997; Intermunicipal Safety and Crime Prevention Council (CISPD, according to its French acronym) since 2005

Twinned with: Dortmund (Germany) since 1960, Görlitz (Germany) since 1971, Darlington (United-Kingdom) since 1973, Bergen (Norway) since 2005

2. The city in our network

ClementStengel-Amiens [800x600]“It is fundamental that each members shares its experiences. All the towns and cities have their own characteristics, be it their political affiliations, their objectives or how they distribute competences. The situation in each place will never be the same, but inspiration can still be found and ideas adapted to the circumstance of others. Furthermore, everyone is on a level playing field in the network and within a non-profit context, which encourages a freer and more open exchange of views. In my opinion this has promoted a more republican and humanist spirit during these first three months of mandates.
One of the issues I would like the Forum to raise at the national and European level concerns civil security, which is a problem that affects me at work and which I have been particularly conscious of during my time in office. A second issue concerns town and city contracts, for which we are given very short deadlines considering the import of the document”.
Clément Stengel, Deputy Mayor of Amiens, in charge of security and public order.

The city and Efus

Member since : 2000

Member of the Executive Committee since : 2016

Participated in:

  • European IMPPULSE project: Strengthening police-community relations 2013-2015


  • 1983-2008, “Is security still everyone’s concern?”, Paris, France, 5 December 2008
  • General Assembly, Naples, Italy, 7 December 2000

The city and the National Forum (FFSU)

Member since 2000

Member of the Executive Committee  since 2007

  • Presidency from 2012 to 2014
  • Board member since 2012


  • Mission to provide advice and assistance for the territorial strategy project. Undertaking of a local security diagnosis 2011.

Participated in:

  • Working group: Local Authorities- Justice, 2014
  • Training session “The council and education initiatives for security matters: parental support”, 2 February 2011
  • Working group: “City policy on sustainable development”, FFSU, 2010
  • 4 day training session “The Law on Crime Prevention”, Paris, 2008
  • Training session “The council and education initiatives, parental support and social services coordinator”, Paris, 16-17 December 2008
  • Training session “Justice for Minors”, Paris, 24-25 April 2008
  • Training session “Creating an initiative to prevent young people from high-risk behaviour (smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs, etc.)”, Paris, 9 March 2006
  • Training session “Drawing up a protocol for exchanging information”, Paris, 2 March 2006
  • Conference “12 hours for crime prevention” on the definition of crime prevention in France, FFSU, 18 October 2005
  • The “Bourse d’échange nationale” (BEN) scholarship programme, 1997-2003
  • Training session “Young people’s relationship with the law: strengths and limitations of punishment”, Paris, 3 May 2000


  • General Assembly, Paris, 25 June 2014
  • Lunch-debate on “The French association for the Reduction of Risks connected with Drug Use: presentation, project and prospects for the collaboration with the FFSU”,  FFSU, 10 November 2010
  • Lunch-debate on “The charter for a democratic use of CCTV”, FFSU, 29 September 2010
  • Lunch-debate on “The Presentation of the Bockel report: “Preventing juvenile delinquency: a challenge for tomorrow”, FFSU, 5 May 2010
  • Lunch-debate on “The dangers of new technology”, FFSU, 24 March 2010
  • Lunch-debate on “Drug use: the experience of decriminalisation in Portugal”, FFSU, 10 February 2010
  • Conference “Children and Adolescents: Are They All Minors?” on the review of the Juvenile Justice system, Paris, 10 February 2009
  • Conference “CCTV: Prevention, Surveillance, Protection?” on the local and national issues regarding the development of CCTV, Paris, 25 June 2008
  • General Assembly, Paris, 25 June 2008
  • Lunch-debate on the national programme for the “24 neighbourhoods” that are priority zones for crime prevention, Paris, 15 December 2004
  • General Assembly, Issy-les-Moulineaux, 22 June 2004
  • General Assembly, Villeurbanne, 25 June 2003
  • Conference “National Day for Local Crime Prevention and Security Councils”, 15 May 2003
  • General Assembly, Paris, 3 July 2002
  • General Assembly, Aubervilliers, 14 June 2000
  • Study “Primary prevention”, on the evaluation of the messages about prevention in schools, Paris, 2000

3. Project Files (Best practice forms)

4. Further information:

Guide to security in the City of Amiens

Fight against discrimination

As the fight against discrimination plays is so important for ‘living together in harmony’, Amiens has made it an integral part of its Urban Contract for Social Cohesion (CUCS, according to the French acronym). Following the Annual Conference on City Policy, held between October 2009 and November 2011, the local authorities have been committed to supporting the most vulnerable members of society.

Gender Equality

The city of Amiens has placed the fight for Equality at the heart of its municipal project. This decision has been translated into the implementation of actions particularly favouring women. Despite noticeable advances in recent years, women continue to face significant unequal treatment in the workplace, and are still the main victims of psychological or sexual abuse.

Disability and health

Amiens wishes to commit to supporting the employment of handicapped people. As one of the main employers of the region, the local authorities have signed an agreement with the Fund for the Integration of Handicapped People into the Civil Service (FIPHFP, according to the French acronym).

Fight against homophobia

Amiens is committed to supporting equal rights with regards to sexual orientation.


In 2012, the urban community of Amiens Metropolis launched the “Cultures du Monde, tous migrants” project. It’s aim was to highlight the history and contributions of all the waves of European, African or Asian immigration which have so marked the history of Amiens and forged the city’s identity.