
1. General Information:

Alexandroupolis is a city of Greece and the capital of the Evros peripheral region in Thrace.

Population: 52 720 inhabitants

Location: Greece

Official website

2. The city in our network:

The city and Efus:

Member since: 2007

Member of the Executive Committee since 2012

Participated in:

  • Partner in the Project Democracy, Cities &Drugs II, 2008-2011

Attended :

  • General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, June 7th 2012
  • General Assembly , Genoa, Italy May 19th 2011
  • General Assembly, Barcelona, Spain, July 18th 2008
  • General Assembly, Rome, Italy, July 6th 2007

Hosted :

  • Study visit of Efus Executive committee , April 29-30 2011