Take part in Efus’ upcoming project submissions to the European Commission

Paris, France, July 2018Between now and the autumn, Efus will submit four projects that are up for funding by the European Commission on topics such as the prevention of racism, discrimination against Roma people, hate speech and gender-based violence.

We invite you to take part in these project submissions. If you are interested, please contact the Efus team, and in particular napolano@efus.eu.
Here is a description of each call and its corresponding Efus project, in which you can participate.


[su_box title=”Call for proposals to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance” box_color=”#8B8D8D” radius=”5″] The call is aimed at supporting projects focusing on preventing and combating racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance by:
– improving responses to hate crime and hate speech, including but not limited to means of criminal law;
– supporting victims of hate crime and hate speech;
– preventing hatred by fostering tolerance and social cohesion.
>>> Deadline: 04 October 2018 – Link to the EC website
>  Efus’ project
Efus will present a continuation of the Just and Safer Cities for All (JUST) to be implemented in cooperation with civil society organisations from eight European countries. The project will investigate the prevalence of discriminatory violence across Europe, gather local practices aimed at fighting discrimination and racist violence, and develop recommendations for local authorities on how to prevent these phenomena.
The new project, titled JUST II, will make further use of the experience gathered through the first JUST project in order to foster and implement new and well designed projects and activities against hate and intolerance in European cities. Partnering up with European local authorities willing to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, JUST II will inform and improve pilot projects against discriminatory violence and intolerance in the partner cities and beyond, as well create a toolkit that will include practical guidelines for designing and implementing similar projects to be used by further local authorities.


[su_box title=”Call for proposals to monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online” box_color=”#8B8D8D” radius=”5″] This call is aimed at supporting projects to better understand, monitor, prevent and counter hate speech online. The priorities of the call are the following:
– Projects aimed at development, studies and analyses of the sociological landscape and trends on hate speech online;
– Projects on developing online alternative and counter-narratives and promoting the development of critical thinking by Internet users;
– Projects aimed at countering illegal hate speech online on social platforms/Internet companies and enhancing transparency on how manifestations of hate speech are addressed in the online world.

>>> Deadline: 11 October 2018 – Link to the EC website
>  Efus’ project
Efus will present a proposal on the local prevention of online hate speech which seeks to effectively counter online hate speech, given that social networks have proved to be particularly effective channels for the spread of racist, xenophobic and intolerant contents.


[su_box title=”Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children” box_color=”#8B8D8D” radius=”5″] The aim of the call is to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children. 
The priorities of the call are the following :

1. Prevention of gender-based violence (GBV)
2. Protection and support for victims and witnesses of domestic violence
3. The coordination and/or adaptation of support services for sexual and gender-based violence to include refugees and migrants (children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys)
4. Prevention and responding to cyber sexual- and gender-based violence (targeting children, women, LGBTI persons, men and boys)
5. Promoting the embedding of child safeguarding policies across different settings and sectors, such as sports clubs and organisations, extra-curricular activities and/or leisure/recreation clubs/organisations for children

>>> Deadline: 13 November 2018 – Link to the EC website
>  Efus’ project
Efus will prepare a proposal  o raise awareness on gender-based violence, in particular by changing the attitudes and behaviours of young people (under 18 years old) in order to prevent its incidence, encourage reporting and protect and support victims.

More informations on Efus Network.