Preventing insecurity in and through sport

Paris, July 2024 – As Paris welcomes the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games, cities have a unique opportunity to showcase the actions they are taking to prevent crime in and through sport. Indeed, sport is a remarkably efficient way to promote social cohesion and educate young (and not so young) people about civic values.

The European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) has been working for over two decades on various aspects of crime prevention and sport, whether the prevention of violence in stadia, the security of large sports events, or the prevention of discrimination in amateur sport. The theme of one of the sessions at Efus’ 8th Security, Democracy and Cities conference, in March 2024 in Brussels, was ‘large sporting events and violence’.

The French Forum for Urban Security (FFSU) has chosen crime prevention in sport as the theme of its 2024  Crime Prevention Award (PrixPrev), with applications open in three categories: 

  • sport as a tool to prevent crime 
  • the prevention of violence in amateur sport 
  • the prevention of crime and risky behaviours in large events, including in sports, and  ensuring safety and security in such events.  

Efus led or was a partner in several European projects dealing with crime prevention linked to sport. Two of the most recent were:

  • Sentry Sport (Surfacing, preventing and mediating discriminations through sport) (2021-2023) – Policy recommendations of the project
  • MATCH SPORT (Make Amateur Sport Tolerant by Eliminating Racism and Discrimination) (2019-2021)