“Technological and human-centred solutions to protect public spaces against terrorist threats”
Session 1 – Panel
The protection of public spaces at policy and strategy level
How to cooperate with a wide range of stakeholders in order to mitigate emerging challenges in protecting public spaces?
- 15 July, 10:00 CEST
The EU Action Plan and the working document on Good Practices to Support the Protection of Public Spaces state that the co-production of public space protection is key, particularly in the context of terrorism. Preventing and mitigating terrorist threats require raising awareness among local and regional authorities and training them. Furthermore, it is important they cooperate with each other as well as with the private sector. Increased cooperation is also needed between the local, regional and national levels of governance. What avenues for cooperation exist at the European level regarding the protection of public spaces? How can cities best access funds and training? How can we support peer to peer exchanges among EU cities? How to make such coordination and cooperation effective? What are the challenges for the different actors in operationalising a joint action?
- Andrea Volkmer, Policy Officer, DG Home, Counter Terrorism Unit, European Commission
- Sandra Bertin, Director of Municipal Police, City of Nice– Police station and Innovation mission
- Patrick Padding, Core Group leader of ENLETS
- Soft target working group – European Organisation on Security (EOS)- TBC
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>> Pilar de la Torre, programme manager, delatorre@efus.eu
This seminar is funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund-Police