LIAISE 2 seminar: Prevention of radicalisation in the context of probation and prison – 29 March 2017, The Hague

The prevention of radicalisation in the context
of probation and prison

Challenges and opportunities for the partnership
between local authorities and judicial actors

3rd LIAISE 2 European seminar
Wednesday, 29 March
The Hague, Netherlands

NB: The registrations are now closed. If you have registered  and have not received an email of confirmation, please contact us at

Policy-makers are increasingly interested in the role of prison services with regards to violent radicalisation in prison and in probation. Indeed, these are partners in the prevention strategies that involve programmes and interventions aimed at strengthening the resilience of offenders to extremist influences or supporting them when they are in a disengagement process.

Whether they are focused on de-radicalisation, disengagement, rehabilitation or reintegration, these programmes require coordination between various partners in order to work. Local authorities can play a key role in this respect, as demonstrated by numerous studies and by the work carried out by the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) on the prevention of reoffending and, since 2014, on radicalisation.

The theme of the third LIAISE 2 seminar, co-organised by Efus and the Confederation of European Probation (CEP) and hosted by the city of The Hague (NL), will be the challenges and opportunities of such partnerships between local authorities and judicial actors regarding the prevention of radicalisation and reoffending.

During the seminar, different European approaches to radicalisation in prison will be presented, as well as practices and partnerships related to this phenomenon and how they have evolved. One of the themes will be the increasing number of returnees who come back from conflict zones. What risk might they pose to security in Europe? What are the difficulties posed by their judicial follow-up and reintegration? What role can they play, once they have re-entered society, to prevent radicalisation in their own communities, in particular among young people?

Who is this seminar intended for?
Policymakers (local elected representatives, practitioners), judicial actors, NGOs active in the prevention of radicalisation and/or reintegration , and researchers.

The seminar will be interactive and will progress according to the questions of participants.




Practical Information

Vaillant Theatre
Hobbemastraat 120
2526JS The Hague

Simultaneous interpretation in English and French.

Emilie Petit –
Juan Cristellys –
Press request: Elsa Fontanille –

Co-organised with

cep confederation logoDH-EN-Rgb-Comp
