The LOUD project (Local Young Leaders for Inclusion) will conclude on 26 May with an online event (14:00 to 16:00 CET) to present the alternative narrative campaigns created by youngsters from the project’s nine partner cities. The conference will also be an occasion to collectively work on recommendations for other local and regional authorities that wish to involve young citizens in such prevention initiatives.
Promoting the participation of young people in the fight against discrimination, intolerance and radicalisation: in what ways can local authorities contribute?
Manifestations of racism (whether based on religion, race or ethnicity), xenophobia and other forms of intolerance are a daily reality in all Member States of the European Union.1 These manifestations have intensified in a worrying way, particularly among young people, due to the exponential growth of social networks, which allow frustration and anger to be expressed as never before. Numerous studies2 have shown that the virtual space is a very effective and insufficiently controlled platform for the dissemination of hateful content and extremist ideologies. Moreover, the spread of fake news and disinformation campaigns on social networks fuels hatred and intolerance and represents a threat to European values of democracy and freedom.
The LOUD project aims to strengthen the capacity of local authorities to mobilise young people in the prevention of discriminatory violence

Acts of violence motivated by intolerance, inequality and discrimination constitute a multifaceted and omnipresent threat that erodes social cohesion. Efus has found, with reference to local and regional experiences, that in order to respond to these challenges, the mobilisation of citizens – and of young people in particular – is of major importance for local and regional authorities.
Efus is organising the LOUD project event to present the alternative narrative campaigns developed by the partner cities. This event will be an opportunity to discuss the different campaign themes in order to formulate recommendations for local authorities who wish to invest in promoting the role of young people in this type of preventative initiative.
The session will address the following questions:
- Why do local authorities need to make their presence in the digital space more visible to promote alternative messages?
- What measures and tools do local authorities have to fight conspiracy theories, extremist speech and hate speech online?
- Which actors must be mobilised at the local level to obtain meaningful results?
- What are the benefits for local authorities of involving young people in the design and implementation of anti-discrimination initiatives?
Target audience: Elected officials for urban security and crime prevention, elected officials for youth and the fight against discrimination, representatives of civil society and local associations and all other professionals in urban security are invited to participate in this event.
26 May, 14:00 – 16:00 CET
>>> Registration <<<
Simultaneous interpretation available in English and French. Registration is free of charge.
14h00-14h10 | Welcoming words
Introduction to LOUD project
Tatiana Morales, programme manager
14h10-14h50 | Round table: Promoting participation of young people in the fight against discrimination, intolerance and radicalisation: in what ways can local authorities contribute?
Chair: Elizabeth Johnston, Executive Director, Efus
- Mohamed Ridouani, Mayor of Leuven (BE)
- Loline Bertin, Deputy Mayor of Montreuil for public tranquility (FR)
- Shani Benoualid, Advisor for digital and social networks, DILCRAH (Interministerial Delegation for the Fight against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Anti-LGBT Hate) (FR)
15h00-15h50 | Presentations of the Campaigns, Pilar De La Torre, Efus
- Making-of video of the project by Efus
- Presentation of the campaigns by each partner:
>>> One thematic session in English andFrench, four thematic sessions in English or French
[1. EN/FR] Fight against discrimination | Cities of Rosny-sous-Bois (FR) & Pella (GR)
[2. EN] Fight against racism | Cities of Augsburg (DE) & Leuven (BE)
[3. EN] Fight against racism in everyday life | Cities of L’Hospitalet (ES) & Düsseldorf (DE)
[4. FR] Fight against fake news and conspiracy theories | City of Montreuil (FR)
[5. FR] Equal opportunities and gender equality | City of Lille (FR), Métropole de Valenciennes (FR)
15h40-16h00 | Feedback on the thematic sessions, Rapporteurs
Closing Remarks, Tatiana Morales, Pilar De La Torre, Efus
>>> Registration <<<

1 Information note of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) of the European Union crimes motivated by hate and prejudice within the EU, in March 2013.
2 I . Von Behr, A. Reding, C. Edwards, L. Gribbon (2013), Radicalization in the digital era – The Use of the internet in 15 cases of terrorism and extremism, Rand Europe – Words matter – Taking a stand against hate speech – a response from the EEA and Norway Grants, EEA Grants, Norway Grants, 2013.