SOLIDIFY – The project


The overall objective of the SOLIDIFY project was to give cities that host an SDCF specific tools that would enable them to support the organisations that are managing the local SDCF scheme and to evaluate the local impact of such facilities.

The project thus:

  • conducted a collective, cross analysis of the process through which an SDCF is established and evaluated; 
  • determined indicators to evaluate an SDCF’s local impact in the short, medium and long term;
  • facilitated the exchange of practices among cities that have years of experience in setting up and establishing an SDCF and other cities that are planning to open such a facility and can benefit from their peers’ recommendations and evaluation; 
  • strengthened local partnerships and coalitions between local authorities and civil society organisations.


Three types of activities were carried out during the project:

1) A cross-cutting analysis of the process through which an SDCF is established and evaluated. Indicators measuring the local impacts in the short, medium and long term were identified and gathered in an evaluation tool.

2) The project facilitated the exchange of practices between a first group of experienced cities that have already tested and set up drug consumption facilities and a second group of cities that were planning to open such structures over the course of the project. This enabled all the project partners to benefit from their peers’ recommendations and feedback, and to strengthen the existing local partnerships and coalitions between local authorities and civil society organisations.

3) Study visits and audits were carried out by all the project partners between May 2018 and June 2019.

The study visits were held in Barcelona (21-22 June 2018), The Hague (18-19 October 2018), Essen (14-15 January 2019), Strasbourg (3-4 April 2019) and Paris (17-18 June 2019).

The audits were carried out in Liège (15-16 May 2018), Brussels (17-18 May 2018), Augsburg (10-11 December 2018), Mannheim (12-13 December 2018), Lisbon (14-15 February 2019) and Ljubljana (18-19 April 2019).


  • 11 practice sheets that summarize the main aspects of the local harm reduction policy, which in some cases includes an SDCF;
  • 1 overview of the European policy on drugs;
  • 1 guidebook that includes: the analysis of the European policy, the 11 practice sheets, the project’s SDCF evaluation tool; political and practical recommendations to European local authorities.


The project was led by Efus. The partners were:

  • European cities: Augsburg (Germany), Essen (Germany), The Hague (Netherlands), Liège (Belgium), Lisbon (Portugal), Mannheim (Germany), Paris (France), Strasbourg (France),
  • The association “Bienestar y Desarrollo” (well-being and development) (Spain), the Region of Brussels and Bruxelles Prévention & Sécurité (Belgium), the Public Health Agency of Barcelona (Agencia de Salut Pública de Barcelona) (Spain), and UTRIP – Institute for Reseach and Development on Health (Institut za raziskave in razvoj zavod) (Slovenia)


January 2018 – March 2020


Moritz Konradi, Programme Manager at Efus:

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Flag_of_Europe.svgSOLIDIFY was co-funded by the European Commission – Justice Programme Supporting Initiatives in the Field of Drugs Policy