SOLIDIFY – Efus’ resolution on SDCFs

Efus advocates SDCFs in a political resolution adopted by its executive committee

In November 2018, Efus’ executive committee convened in Amiens (FR) adopted a resolution advocating a local policy on drug addiction, an issue on which Efus has been working for years and has already published several resolutions. In this text, Efus advocates Supervised Drug Consumption Facilities (SDCFs), “which have already brought promising results in several European countries.”

Indeed, these schemes are based on a harm reduction strategy as advocated by Efus, who also promotes drug policies based on a balanced approach between prevention, sanction and social cohesion, and on “solid cooperation between local, regional, national and international levels of government as well as law enforcement agencies and civil society.” Such an approach should “seek to reduce drug demand and supply while decreasing the harm caused to our societies by traffic and consumption.”

> Read the full version of our article as well as Efus’ resolution

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Flag_of_Europe.svgSOLIDIFY was co-funded by the European Commission – Justice Programme Supporting Initiatives in the Field of Drugs Policy