Paris, France, March 2021 – The alternative discourse campaigns created by young people from the nine LOUD project (Young local leaders for inclusion) partner local authorities, which is led by Efus, are about to be finalised and will soon be disseminated. Efus will publicize the campaigns over the upcoming weeks and will start this European campaign on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, on 21 March.
Seven original shorts, as well as posters and songs
Posters, videos, songs… each campaign sends out a positive message against discrimination, marginalisation and intolerance.
Seven campaigns are short films that Efus members will soon be able to watch on Efus Network. Titled “We’ll call you back” (On vous rappellera) the film made by Rosny presents in a tongue-in-cheek manner situations of discrimination in job recruitment. The film by L’Hospitalet shows teenage girls on Zoom who unwittingly make racist comments. Augsburg shows young people who intervene in situations of violence against women and discrimination… These are only three examples and we invite you to discover on Efus Network the seven films that were conceived and directed by young people from the project’s partner cities with the support of local organisations and associations, and which are all remarkably creative.
Final event on 26 May
The LOUD European campaign initiated on 21 March will conclude on 26 May with the project’s final event, which will be an online conference discussing the topics of the campaigns: the fight against discrimination, equal opportunities, relationships between women and men, conspiracy theories and fake news.
The event’s programme and registration form will soon be available on Efus Network.
> More information on the LOUD project
> Follow the LOUD project on Efus Network
> The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination