Local young leaders for inclusion
Developing intercultural awareness and combating prejudice are important topromote social inclusion and strengthen social cohesion.
LOUD aims to foster inclusive environments for young people in order to prevent them from drifting into intolerance and extremist behaviours. It will strengthen local authorities’ and young people’s capacities to produce alternative narratives.
The main objectives are to:
- Counter all forms of intolerance and extremist speech among young people
- Provide effective alternative narratives at the local level
- Empower young people on tackling discrimination and extremist content
- Promote European exchanges on alternative narratives among young people
The main activities of the project are:
- Diagnosis in 9 territories to enable local authorities to determine their priorities as well as the key stakeholders
- Training sessions will be organised in the different territories in order to empower young people, identified through the previous phases, on alternative narratives methods and local campaigns.
- The design and development of 9 local alternative narratives campaigns by young people in 5 European countries
Alternative narrative campaigns
Youngsters from the project’s nine partner cities developed alternative narrative campaigns in all its stages: from design to evaluation. The result?
- 114 youngsters participating in the fight against discrimination, intolerance and extremism
- 9 campaigns on inclusion, diversity and equality
- 9 messages based on human rights, respect for differences and freedom
Manifestations of discriminatory violence, polarisation and hate speech are on the rise across Europe in both the online and offline spheres and pose a real threat to citizen safety, social cohesion and integration. Local authorities are well placed to tackle these worrying trends as they are close to the ground and can mobilise citizens, in particular the young, to promote tolerance and peaceful coexistence as part of their integrated local crime prevention and security strategies.
This publication outlines the importance of mobilising young people in local initiatives and strategies to fight against discrimination based on the experience of the LOUD project and gives local authorities practical tools and recommendations to use alternative narrative campaigns as a means to foster young local citizens’ participation and partnerships with relevant local stakeholders.
View the publication
Learn more about the activities carried out by the local and regional authorities associated in the project:
- Local campaigns Augsburg, Germany
- Local campaigns Dusseldorf, Germany
- Local campaigns L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain
- Local campaigns Leuven, Belgium
- Local campaigns Lille, France
- Local campaigns Montreuil, France
- Local campaigns Pella, Greece
- Local campaigns Rosny-sous-Bois, France
- Local campaigns Valenciennes Métropole, France
Final event
The LOUD project will conclude on 26 May with an online event (14:00 to 16:00 CET) to present the alternative narrative campaigns created by youngsters from the project’s nine partner cities. The conference will also be an occasion to collectively work on recommendations for other local and regional authorities that wish to involve young citizens in such prevention initiatives.
Within the framework of the project, four webinars aimed at municipal and local actors who are developing or planning an alternative narrative communication campaign were organised.
You can find the recordings of the webinars here.
Call for experts
Find out more about the application process.
Efus is leader of this project. The partners are:
Local authorities: Leuven (BE), L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (ES), Augsburg, Düsseldorf (DE), Pella (GR), Rosny-sous-bois, Montreuil, Lille and Valenciennes Métropole (FR)
Other partners: Eurocircle, Fondazione Mondinsieme (IT), streetwork@online (AVP e.V.) (DE)
January 2019 – June 2021
Tatiana Morales, Programme Manager – morales@efus.eu
Pilar De La Torre, Programme Manager – delatorre@efus.eu

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.