Exchanges among peers

Webconferences, European cooperation projects, thematic working groups, visits and study trips… Efus members contribute to the network’s development through the regular exchange of experiences and practices.

Web Conferences

Efus organises regular online conferences to allow members of the network to discuss priority themes of urban security. These conferences are open to the public, and take place in either French or English.

Find out all the upcoming events in our agenda.

European Cooperation Projects

Efus leads and coordinates European cooperation projects, which enable the operational implementation of methodologies that strengthen local policies (audits, evaluations, pilot projects, etc.) Upon the completion of this work, useful conclusions and policy recommendations go on to benefit the entire network. These projects can be co-financed by the European Commission. At present, Efus is coordinating projects on the following topics: preventing polarisation, preventing discriminatory violence, social integration through sport, public spaces… Find out more

Working Groups

Efus leads and coordinates a range of working groups. These activities aim to strengthen communities’ knowledge on specific topics, through the exchange of practices, common reflection and expert contributions.

The Local Roots and Impacts of Organised Crime

The general objective of this working group, led by the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam, is to create a strategic learning environment in which local and regional authorities can share knowledge on a range of issues relating to organised crime.

Learn more

Do you want to join this working group? Contact Anne Boisseau , Project Manager.

Just & Safer Cities for All

The general objective of this working group, led by the cities of Bordeaux and Vienna, is to promote human rights by promoting better policies to combat discriminatory violence, and thus make cities safer for all residents.

Do you want to join this working group? Contact Pilar de la Torre, Project Manager.

Security and Innovation

The general objective of this working group is to modernize the development of local policies in the field of urban security by adapting them to the evolution of society and to new and emerging forms of criminality, as well as to promote the active transfer of knowledge on good practices and build collaborative relationships between cities.

Do you want to join this working group? Contact Pilar de la Torre, Project Manager.


The general objectives of this working group are to gather together existing practices and knowledge on the safety of seniors and on their participation in urban safety policies, to raise awareness among local and regional authorities on seniors’ specific safety needs, and to make new recommendations in order to develop a general European policy to support this population.

Do you want to join this working group? Contact Pilar de la Torre, Project Manager.


The general objective of this working group is to allow local authorities to share their strategies for managing local nightlife in order to construct a global, integrated, multidisciplinary and pragmatic methodology that includes not just health and safety and the management and sharing of space, but also foregrounds cohabitation between the different actors who occupy it.

Learn more

Do you want to join the working group? Contact Vanina Hallab, Local Engineering Manager.


Operating within Efus, EU-POLNET is a European network of local police forces and an exchange forum whose aims are to develop European local police forces’ expertise and best practices through peer-to-peer exchanges, and to promote the role of local police in urban security at a European and international level.

Learn more

Do you want to join the working group? Contact Véronique Ketelaer, City of Brussels expert for Efus.

European network of prevention professionals

The aim of this European network is to set up, within Efus, an exchange forum dedicated to professionals who coordinate crime prevention partnerships at local level, in order to develop expertise and inspiring practices on the basis of exchanges between peers, and to promote the role of these professionals in local safety policies at European and international level.

Learn more

Do you want to join the working group? Contact Émilie Petit, Executive Vice President, Forum Français pour la Sécurité Urbaine.

Practice Sheets and Fact Sheets

Discover the actions implemented in communities across Europe through our summary documents, which present the key elements of each of these initiatives, including their context, objectives, activities, budget, evaluation. All of our practice and summary sheets can be found on Efus Network.

Field visits and study tours

Upon request, Efus organizes thematic study tours or trips across Europe. You can thus discover a global tool or a specific project which has been successfully implemented in a city facing problems similar to your own. You can also host a delegation from another European city in order to promote your own local actions and to discuss with your peers. Contact us for more information

International Security, Democracy and Cities conference

Unique in its kind, this event is aimed at all urban security stakeholders: elected officials, civil servants, national administration officers, magistrates, law enforcement teams, social workers, researchers, representatives from both the private sector and civil society, etc. Find out more
