The objective of the project Cutting Crime is to allow the police and other authorities, both local and national, in particular those responsible for security policies, to reduce the impact of petty crime and, as far as possible, prevent it altogether.
The project focuses essentially on petty crime that has a negative impact upon citizens – violent assault, burglary, theft and antisocial behaviour – and that which creates an atmosphere of insecurity.
The project develops support tools (that we call “toolboxes”) that could be used by police forces and their policy deciders of Germany, Spain, Estonia, Holland, Portugal and the United Kingdom to implement efficient practices.
The role of Efus
Efus contributes, in particular, to the development of tools relative to the feeling of security. In addition, it will work to generalise the preventative approach to the type of crime that has a significant impact on local communities.
Efus reviews existing tools in current practices. This helps to better understand the needs of users.
Efus participates in the process of designing innovative tools of prevention, investigation and reduction of crime. It will support the development of a toolkit for the development of European public policies aimed at integrating petty crime into the European security model. It will develop a support plans for the implementation of these tools. Efus will disseminate this toolkit within its European network of decision-makers in the field of urban security.
Efus relies on its expertise to implement operational methodologies reinforcing local security policies (audits, evaluation, pilot projects). In 2016, Efus published the guide Methods and tools for a strategic approach to urban safety, a guide to equip European policy makers and local technicians so that they develop and regularly review their safety policies relying on reliable data collected in the field.
This project is piloted by the University of Salford. In addition to Efus, the partners are DSP Groep bv, the interior department of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Globaz SA, the german institute of prevention “Deutscher Präventionstag Institut”, the State Police of Lower Saxony “Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen”, the police and border forces of Estonia “Politsei- ja Piirivalveamet”, the municipal police of Lisbon, the police force of Greater Manchester, the national police of Holland and Rijks University Groningen.
Practice Sheets
October 2018 – October 2021
Pilar De La Torre, Programme Manager – delatorre@efus.eu
Pauline Lesch, Programme Manager CCI – lesch@efus.eu
Guillaume Jaen, Programme Manager – jaen@efus.eu
CCI on social media

The project CCI is financed 100% by the Horizon 2020 Security Research Programme of the European Commission