LPR Niedersachsen

1. General Information :

The State Crime Prevention Council of Lower Saxony (LPR) was founded in 1995 on the basis of a resolution of the Lower-Saxon State Government and was given the following mission:
– The reduction of crime occurrence in Lower Saxony
– The improvement of the subjective feeling of security of Lower-Saxon citizens.
Since its founding, the LPR is orientated to the society as a whole. Crime prevention is thus a joint task for governmental agencies and non-governmental organisations and various action groups established by citizens and civil society.
The LPR has continuously grown since its founding. The approx. 250 LPR member organisations include government departments, authorities, associations, scientific institutions and above all almost 200 municipal crime prevention bodies and supporting associations.

Location: Hannover, Germany

Official website

2. The organisation in our network :

The organisation and Efus:

Member of the Executive Committee


  • General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, 7th June 2012

3. Project Files :

4. Further information :

  • [link url=”1781″]Interview with Erich Marks[/link], Director of the State Crime Prevention Council of Lower-Saxony
  • Article by Ruth Linssen and Erich Marks on school shootings (2009)[/link]
  • Contribution to the [link url=”30325″]2009 General Assembly[/link] by Dr Marc Coester, international coordinator and researcher at the LPR on “[link url=”30437″]The prevention of violence in right-wing extremist gatherings and demonstrations in Lower-Saxony[/link]”