First National Crime Prevention Days in Brno, Czech Republic

Brno, Czech Republic, July 2017 – The city of Brno, a member of Efus, will organise the first National Crime Prevention Days of the Czech Republic on 19 and 20 September, which will gather crime prevention experts, academics, trade unions, practitioners, representatives of the police and the prison service, the Czech Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention, NGOs and crime prevention officers.


Under the patronage of the Mayor of Brno and the Governor of the South Moravian Region and co-organised by the Brno City Council and the municipal police, this conference will encompass a wide array of themes including domestic violence, drugs, radicalisation, organised crime, probation, mediation, prison, seniors, discrimination, and migration.

This event, which is funded by the municipality and the Czech Ministry of the Interior, was inspired by the German Congress on Crime Prevention, which was founded in 1995.

Efus will take part in two sessions:

  •  a lunch debate on “How to face and prevent discriminatory violence at the local level”, during which it will present the “Just & Safer Cities for All” (JUST) European project (Tuesday 19 September, 12:00, City Hall, Foyer 2, in English);
  •  as a contributor in the discussion panel “Seniors as group of population at risk”, during which it will notably present the work carried out by its working group on Senior Citizens  (Wednesday 20 September, 10:00 am, City Hall, Central hall, in English).

The full programme is available here.

The city of Brno wishes to invite all interested members of Efus to take part in this conference.

For more information, please contact:

Pilar De la Torre, Programme Manager at Efus or +331 40 64 49 03