
1. General Information:

Augsburg is a city in the south of Germany. It is a College town, the third-largest city in Bavaria with a population exceeding 264,000 citizens. After Trier, Augsburg is Germany’s second oldest city, founded in 15 BC by Drusus and Tiberius as Augusta Vindelicorum, under the orders of their stepfather Emperor Augustus. Augsburg is the only German city with its own legal holiday celebrating the peace Peace of Augsburg of 1555 on August 8th every year, which gives it more legal holidays than any other region or city in Germany.

Population: 264.000

Location:Bavaria, Germany


Twinned with: Inverness (United Kingdom), Amagasaki (Japan), Nagahama (Japan), Bourges (France), Dayton (Ohio, United States of America), Liberec (Czech Republic), Jinan (China).

2. The city in our network:

The city and Efus:

Member since : 2010

Member of the Executive Committee : 2010

Participated in:

  • Project: Local voices – Local communication strategies to prevent extremism


  • General Assembly, Cascais, Portugal, 27 June 2013
  • General Assembly, Berlin, May 9th and 10th 2011

The City and the National Forum (DEFUS):

  • Founding member

3. Project Files