1.General Information:
Population: 19 431 inhabitants
Location: Italy
Website of the crime prevention service
2. The city in our network:
The city and Efus:
Member since: 2000
The City and the Italian Forum (FISU)
Participated in:
- First edition “100 città”
- Member of the Thematic group “Communication and safety” , 2003
- Third edition of “100 città”
- documentary film “La paura siCura”
Attended :
- 1st meeting, Thematic group “Communication and safety”, Bologna June 11,2003
- 2nd meeting , Thematic group “Communication and safety”, Roma, 1 October 2003
3. Best Practice Forms:
- “Young people and the city”, Bellaria – Igea Marina, 2008.
- “La città si…cura”, Bellaria-Igea Marina, 2013. (available in Italian only)
4. Further information
- October 8, 2010 FISU national seminar “urban safety in places of entertainment”