Join the only European network dedicated to fostering discussion, cooperation and support among local and regional authorities in the field of crime prevention and urban security! Founded in 1987, Efus brings together nearly 250 cities and regions from 15 countries.
Recognised for its expertise by national and European institutions, Efus is a network that represents the diversity of territories and promotes the exchange of experience between local and regional authorities beyond political divisions, according to the principle of “cities helping cities”.
Activities taylored for local and regional authorities
As actors in the network, Efus member local and regional authorities contribute to its development. Joining Efus means engaging with these local and regional authorities and gaining access to:
- A European and international network of local and regional authorities, partners and experts;
- Participation in working groups, cooperation projects and the preparation of thematic publications and policy recommendations;
- Support in the design, implementation and evaluation of local security policies;
- Representation before national and European authorities through advocacy;
- Participation in online seminars and thematic conferences with a European and international dimension;
- Participation in thematic trainings, field visits and study tours to promote local experiences;
- Access to Efus Network, the collaborative web platform reserved exclusively for the network.
What are the conditions for joining the network?
- A local coalition for urban security must be in existence, or there must be a commitment to create such a coalition within the next few months.
- Initiated by elected representatives, the coalition must bring together representatives of the public, private and voluntary sectors.
- Provision must be made for technical coordination of the coalition. The presence of a local coordinator, responsible for the implementation of the coalition’s activities and working side by side with all the partners, is essential.
- Local security policies must be built into an overall policy of social development.
- The necessary conditions must exist for an active participation of citizens in developing and implementing security policies.
- The Respect for human rights in the implementation of security policies. Such policies must not result in greater exclusion, nor in an increase of inequality nor of a feeling of injustice.
Membership fees are determined on the following scale according to the number of inhabitants: see the annual membership fees for 2024.
If you would like more information or to join the European Forum for Urban Security, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible:

Efus was awarded the IDEAS Label for the second time in 2019. This label attests to the implementation of good practices in terms of governance, financial management and monitoring the effectiveness of the action. It is a guarantee of seriousness and confidence for funders and donors. For more information, visit their website.