
1. General Information

Romainville is a French commune located in the department of Seine-Saint-Denis in the Île-de-France region. It is located 3km from the East of Paris; In 2016 it was  integrated to the newly created Metropolis of Greater Paris (Métropole du grand Paris).

Population: 25 631 inhabitants (2014)

Location: France

Official Website

Twinned with:  Benfleet (United Kingdom) and Casalecchio di Reno (Italy) since 1962.

Security and Delinquency prevention territorial strategy signed in 2017

2. The City in our Network 

The City and Efus

Member since: 2017

The City and the National Forum (FFSU)

Member since: 2017


  • Breakfast debate on jihadism, Paris, 15 March 2017