1. General Information:
Oeiras is a Portuguese town located in the District of Lisbon. Demographically, it is the fourth town most populous in Portugal.The municipality currently occupies an area of 45.84 km² and has a total population of 172 120 inhabitants (2010), split up into 5 “freguesias”.
It borders the municipalities of Sintra and Amadora on the north, of Lisbon on the east, of Cascais on the west and the end of the Tagus estuary and the beginning of the Atlantic ocean on the south, across from Almada.
Population: 172 120 (2010)
Location: Portugal
Website of the crime prevention service
Twinned with: Príncipe (S. TOMÉ E PRÍNCIPE), Benguela (ANGOLA), INHAMBANE (MOÇAMBIQUE), COVILHÃ, Vila Real, Régua, Marinha Grande, Pombal, Vila Real de Santo Antonio (PORTUGAL), SAINT ETIENNE (FRANÇA), S. JOSÉ DA CALIFÓRNIA (USA), QUINHAMEL (GUINÉ BISSAU), Sal, Praia, São Vicente, Mindelo (Cape Verde), Oeiras do Piauí (Brazil),
2. The City in our Network:
The City and the EFUS:
Member since: 2000
- Partner of the Cities Against Terrorism Project, 2006.
- General Assembly, Karlsruhe, Germany, 12-13 May 2013
- General Assembly, Cascais, Portugal, 27th-28th June 2013
- Efus International conference ‘Security, democracy and cities: the Future of prevention’, 12-14 December 2012
- General Assembly, Brussels, Belgium, 7th June 2012
- General Assembly, Berlin, Germany, May 2010
- General Assembly, Toulouse, France, 25th June 2009.
- General Assembly, Barcelona, Spain, July 2008.
The city and the national Forum FOPPSU:
Founding member, 2005.
- General Assembly, Lisbon, January 2013
- General Assembly S. João da Madeira, June 2010
- General Assembly, Loures, Portugal, 1st September 2005.