
Forlì is a city in Emilia-Romagna, Italy, and is the capital of the province of Forlì-Cesena. The city is situated along the Via Emilia, to the right of the Montone river; and is an important agricultural center. The city hosts many of Italy’s culturally and artistically significant landmarks.

1. General Information:

Population: 117.471

Location: Italy

Official website:

Website of the crime prevention service:

Safety Contract signed in:

Twinned with: Aveiro (Portugal), Bourges (France), Chichester (United Kingdom), Elektranai (Lithuania), Karlsruhe (Germany), Plock (Poland),  Skövde (Swede), Szolnok (Hungary) Troyan (Bulgaria)

2. The city in our network:


The city and the EFUS:

Member since: 2008

The City and the National Forum (FFSU, Fisu, FFPSU etc…)

Member of the Executive Committee: (if so) & position if so ex trésorier

Participated in: