The Team-old

Elizabeth Johnston
Executive Director
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Elizabeth Johnston is responsible for the strategy and development of Efus, in liaison with the Executive Committee, as well as overall management. She has also been General Delegate of the French Forum for Urban Security since 2016. She is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Global Parliament of Mayors and a contributor to the University of Liège (Belgium). Previously, and after starting her career in a French local authority, Elizabeth Johnston was programme director for the Franco-American Foundation and an expert in violence prevention at the World Bank in Washington. She holds degrees in law from the University of Assas (France), in political science from Yale University (USA) and in public policy from the University of Marne-La-Vallée (France).

Spoken Languages: FR-ENG-ESP

Carla Napolano
Deputy Executive Director
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Carla Napolano contributes to the strategy and development of the organisation in conjunction with the Managing Director and the Executive Committee. At the same time, she oversees the running of the thematic European programmes, cooperation between the Forum, its partners and the European authorities, and the development of European projects. Carla holds a master’s degree in urban and spatial planning from the University of Venice (Italy) and a postgraduate diploma in urban planning from the University of Paris VIII (France). Before joining Efus, she worked for the Safer Cities programme of the United Nations (UN Habitat) in Nairobi (Kenya).

Languages spoken: FR-EN-IT

Inès Amzal
Development and Resource Diversification Officer
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Inès pursued a Master degree in International Cooperation Policies. Her first placement was with the Department of Cooperation and Cultural Action at the French Embassy in Bosnia-Herzegovina, followed by a second with the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus), where she assisted with the development of European projects. She is now in charge of development and diversification of resources, where she works on researching, preparing and monitoring the needs of donors, as well as drawing up proposals for projects, partnerships and deliverables on urban security.

Spoken Language: FR-ENG-ESP-IT

Anne Boisseau
Programme Manager
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Anne focuses in particular on organised crime.
Before joining Efus, she worked at the engineering school EIGSI – La Rochelle as an international relations assistant, where she was responsible for student mobility.
Anne holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Lille University and a master’s degree in international politics and transition analysis from Lyon 2 Lumière University. She also completed an internship with the Malaysian human rights NGO SUARAM.

Spoken Language: FR-ENG

Sophie Bui Xuan Hy

Finance Manager

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Pilar De la Torre

Project Development Manager

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Pilar De La Torre follows, among others, the topics: discriminatory violence, security of senior citizens, innovation and security.  She is also in charge of Efus’ training programmes and Efus’ relationships with countries outside Europe. Prior to that, Pilar worked in Colombia at the National Institute For Research and Prevention of Fraud (INIF) for 2 years. She holds a master’s degree in Population and Development Expertise from Paris Descartes University and a degree in Economics from the Externado University of Bogotá (Colombia).

Language spoken: FR-ENG-ESP

Anne Hamelin
Membership and events coordinator
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Anne Hamelin is in charge of the smooth running, coordination and supervision of the Efus office, and provides logistical support to the network life. She has several years of experience in international groups in the private sector. She holds a degree in Corporate Communication from Formasup Écoles – Bordeaux and a Master’s degree in Management and Communication Strategy from ISIFA.

Languague spoken: FR-ENG

Siba Hammoud
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Siba is an intern at Efus, assisting with the development of European projects. She previously worked in peacekeeping with UNTSO South Lebanon as a field language assistant for international military observers. She entered the IEP in Fontainebleau where she studied for a Master’s degree in political science. Siba completed two internships in the field of humanitarian action. She holds a Master’s degree in translation and foreign languages.

Language spoken: FR-ENG-AR

Lauranne Homyrda
European Projects Officer
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Lauranne is in charge of the administrative and financial follow-up of Efus’ European projects. Prior to joining Efus, she worked as a Partnership and Valuation  Manager at the Paris School of Economics and European project manager  within Expertise France, the French international cooperation public agency. 
Lauranne holds a Master’s degree in Political Science in European and International Studies from the Sorbonne III University, and a degree in International Studies

Languages spoken: FR-ENG

Asma Kaouech
Senior programme Manager
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Asma follows the themes of radicalisation and polarisation and audits and methodologies. Prior to joining Efus, she worked in various international organisations such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and International Alert, where she coordinated projects on the reform of criminal justice, the fight against organised crime, the promotion of citizen participation, and the prevention of violent extremism in the MENA region.
Asma holds a Masters in Law from the University of Carthage (Tunisia), a diploma in Leadership and Project Management from the University of Delaware (United States), and a diploma in Human Rights-based Approach from the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation.

Langues spoken: FR-ENG-AR

Inès Khachkhouche
European Projects Officer
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Inès is in charge of the administrative and financial follow-up of Efus’ European projects. Previously, Inès worked as a trainee as a European Projects Assistant, supporting the European Projects Officer and Data Manager at Efus. She also has work experience in the UK. Inès holds a degree in Foreign Languages Applied Economics and Law (English-Spanish), specialising in Business and Commerce from Sorbonne University, and a Master’s degree in Political Science in European and International Studies from Sorbonne University.

Languague spoken: FR-ENG

Eric Loustauneau
Accounting Assistant
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Eric Loustauneau is accounting assistant to Efus’s Administrative and Financial Director. He holds a vocational high-school diploma with a management and accounting option, as well as a first and a second degree in accounting.
He regularly takes refresh trainings in accounting. Eric Loustauneau has worked as a secretary-accountant at CNP Insurance and as an office worker in the financial department of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (Deposits and Consignments Fund)

Language spoken: ENG-FR-IT

Bamba Niang
Programme Manager
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Bamba follows the themes of Crisis Management and Technologies. Prior to joining Efus, he worked for Expertise France, the French public agency in charge of technical cooperation for international development and solidarity projects, a subsidiary of the French Development Agency. He holds two Masters in International Relations and in Strategic and Military Sciences from the University of Turin, as well as a Masters in International Politics and Transition Analysis from the University of Lyon 2 Lumière. He also had a short career as an officer in the Senegalese army with training at the Military Academy of Modena in Italy. He is an athlete specialised in the 400m sprint.

Chloé Nourry
Communications Officer
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Chloé is Efus’ Communications Officer. She has previously worked in international organisations and institutions, in French administrations and at Publicis Groupe as communications officer for the Women’s Forum For the Economy and Society. She holds a bachelor’s degree in applied foreign languages and a master’s degree in international cooperation policies from the IEP Saint-Germain-En-Laye.

Language spoke: FR-ENG-ESP

Marta Pellón Brussossa
Senior Programme Manager
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Marta follows, among others, topics such as discriminatory violence, public spaces and terrorism. Prior to that, she worked as Programme Coordinator at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and as Programme Assistant at the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF). She also interned at the Permanent Representation of Spain to the United Nations in New York and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Madrid. She holds a Master’s degree in International Security from Sciences Po Paris and a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Queen Mary University of London.

Rasa Verseckaite
Data Manager & DPO
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Rasa supports Efus in its digitalisation efforts to drive growth and identify areas for improvement. She is also data protection officer to ensure operations conformity with GDPR. She has 15 years of experience in the NGO sector, in the United States, Portugal, Lithuania and France. She was notably strategic partnerships coordinator at the National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission for Youth in Lithuania. She completed a double degree programme in History and International Studies at the University of Richmond in the United States.


Natalie Bourgeois
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As Editor, Nathalie contributes to Efus’ content creation, reports and publications. Holding a Bachelors degree in Philosophy and a Masters from France’s journalism school Centre de Formation des Journalistes, which is paired with the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, Nathalie has had a career in journalism (Associated Press) and corporate communications (Havas Advertising) in Paris and Madrid prior to joining Efus.

Véronique Ketelaer
Expert of the city of Brussels
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A criminologist and political scientist, Véronique was an international police expert in Benin for the Belgian Development Agency, Director of Prevention and Citizen Participation for the City of Brussels and Head of the Prevention Department of Saint-Gilles, as well as an attaché to the Cabinet of the Mayor of the City of Liège and consultant to the Brussels Regional Minister-President. As Head of Training and Innovation, she helped to set up the Regional School for Security Professionals in the Brussels region. She coordinated the Belgian Urban Security Forum and was a trainer for the Belgian Federal Police.

Yves Van de Vloet
Associated Expert
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Yves is associate expert to the European Forum for Urban Security. Specialised in border security, he notably works on the ALARM project, which seeks to develop transborder operational cooperation between civil security stakeholders in France and Belgium on a wide spectrum of risks. He was Deputy Chief of Staff of the Governor of the Hainaut province and of the President-Minister of the Brussels-Capital-Ixelles Region, and Director of the Department for Crime Prevention at the Belgian Ministry of the Interior. He also has been a teacher at the University of Liège and various police schools and training academies.