Paris, France, June 2018 — Efus is a partner in the European CreE.A project for the promotion of social mediation in Europe through the exchange of knowledge among professionals. We are inviting member local authorities to take part in the fourth ArleKin Tour Around Europe!
A social mediators’ Tour Around Europe
Over the course of 12 days, social mediators will work with a “teaching master” from a mediation organisation based in a different European country from theirs. This is a unique and innovative training inspired by the century-old tradition of the “Tour de France des Compagnons” (the craftsmen’s tour around France). The companion mediators and their teaching masters will be trained, managed, evaluated and certified by the ArleKin’s educational team.
The tour around Europe includes:
- a training seminar
- an internship on location
- an evaluation internship
The tour around Europe includes the following countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal and Spain.
Creating bonds through the training
Social mediators and teaching masters create strong bonds throughout the training. They end up forming a collective where they share their practices and approach to mediation for social inclusion.
You can apply up to 16 November 2018 on the following link:
For more information, on the Tour Around Europe, see: