Umberto Nicolini

Director, Laboratorio Qualità Urbana E Sicurezza (LabQUS) (Italy), Chair, EU Cost Action TU1203
Born in Milan in the middle of the 70s, Umberto is an architect. He chose urban design and planning first as a study object, then a profession and more generally as a life path. During his training years, he had the opportunity to meet Professor Clara Cardia, who at the time taught planning and design. Under her supervision, he took part in several projects on urban safety and quality of life. He also participated in the foundation of LabQUS.
Currently, he combines his activity as a professional real estate and property manager together with the profession of architect and planner specialised in design for security, dedicating intense research, practice and training to this subject.
Engaged since the very beginning in implementing environmental crime prevention as an institutional tool in planning policies, Umberto has recently promoted and chaired the Europan Programme COST TU1203 – Crime Prevention Through Urban Design and Planning – as well as many other related projects.
Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?)
The next 30 years will probably see an increasing concentration of urban populations. That means the we will face the task of providing equality, rights and higher standards of living in urban contexts.
Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?
Citizens are the main actors of urban security. They can contribute to reducing both crime and the fear of crime. In order to maximize their impact on security, citizens needs to be empowered through a process of education in understanding the real condition of their neighbourhoods and made aware of their active role in taking care of places.