Simone d’Antonio

European Project ToNIte / (Italy)
Head of the communication activities of the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) project ToNite, which is led by the City of Turin to improve urban security, inclusion and the perception of security of the residents of two local neighbourhoods, Simone d’Antonio is expert in sustainable urban development. He supports many local authorities in Italy and in Europe in the framework of projects and actions co-created with local communities and stakeholders through the URBACT and UIA programmes and the Urban Agenda for the EU. As coordinator of the activities of the national URBACT Point for Italy at ANCI (Italian Association of Cities and Municipalities), he promoted collaboration among different levels of governance to support the implementation of integrated urban plans, as well as to showcase solutions and practices developed in the framework of European networks and in collaboration with national and local stakeholders.
Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?)
Urban security will become an increasingly participatory field, where collaboration between public authorities, the private sector and local communities will be fundamental
Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?
It is important to involve citizens in order to present urban security as a common, relevant part of the quality of life and the spirit of the places where we live.