Jörg Rock

Head of the supervision police, Senate of the Interior and Sport, City of Berlin (Germany)
Joerg Rock is head of the Supervision Police of the City of Berlin. He is a police officer and a project manager in public safety. He has many years of practical, academic and leading experience in police operations, fighting against crime, crime and terrorism prevention, and the protection of public spaces. He specializes in public safety and order in urban areas, the protection of public spaces, the prevention of terrorism, and countering organised crime.
Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?)
Urban security is a multidimensional issue that includes a wide range of themes from classical issues of security such as the prevention of and fight against crime, to social security and even the design of urban public spaces. We need a holistic view on this complex topic. It is also essential that all stakeholders cooperate closely and work trustfully together to implement urban security. I do hope that we can achieve comprehensive urban security without restrictions on freedoms.
Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?
Because it is their city. Security measures must find acceptance and be supported by the citizens.