Gil Marsalla

General Director, Director Productions, Les Weekends Solidaires, Nice (France)
Les Weekends Solidaires is an association born out of Storm Alex (1st-2nd October 2020). It’s role is to bring support to victims in the Roya, Tinée and Vésubie Valleys, organising mutual aid between volunteers and victims. Over 1 year, more than 80 support sites were led by volunteers from the association, creating 20,000 hours of volunteer work. The association brings together more than 1500 operational volunteers who are trained to provide aid in the field for victims in the case of a catastrophe. We have created a community of solidarity and fraternity.
Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?
The creation of a solidarity watch for each department and region, bringing together volunteers who can intervene quickly alongside local authorities who, it is important to remember, can not intervene on private property in order to help victims.
Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?
Because we are in direct contact with the field, we know victims’ situations perfectly well, and we can report the most difficult situations to authorities. We also offer aid which is not just material but physical, moral and psychological too.