Sonia Andolz
General Director of Security Administration, Ministry of the Interior – Government of Catalonia (Spain)
As a practitioner, she worked in several post-conflict scenarios such as in Middle Eastern, Western Balkans or West African countries. She later returned to the academic life and specialised in identities, religion and nationalism as sources for political mobilisation and continued her education and training in security and defence policies.
For the past eight years she has been a professor in several universities in Madrid and Barcelona and also worked as a security analyst for international media including BBC, France 24 or Al Jazeera. Last June, she was appointed General Director for Security Administration for the Catalan Government.
Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?
The world’s interdependence and complexity grows without a pause. Individuals are trapped in their
daily rutines and cannot – should not – be the only responsible for their personal security.