Giacomo Bianchi

Project Manager, European Security Organisation (Belgium)

With a background in International Relations and European Studies, a post grad Diploma in Intelligence and Security and one in Public Affairs, Giacomo started working for a United Nations Agency in Milan on e-agriculture, climate change and new technologies Policies and Projects.

After three years of experience in State Street and Goldman Sachs, where he was working on EU Regulations and Directives, Giacomo worked at the European Environmental Bureau in Brussels, focusing on H2020 Projects with particular attention to the European Green Deal.

At EOS, he is working as Project Officer on H2020 Projects regarding Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Border Security, Research and Innovation.



Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?)

In the next 30 years we will face two different realities: from one side Artificial Intelligence and Digitalisation will have an increasingly decisive role in how the concept of city will be planned and thought.

On the other hand, the negative aspects will be a return of ever deeper social and class divisions and the eternal centre-periphery struggle.



Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?

Looking at the trends of recent years, we can perfectly understand how part of the population is moving more and more from the “countryside” to the big cities, and we can easily predict the same for the next 30 years.

Citizens were, are and will be the main actors of urban security.

Raising awarenees in few practices such us promoting social cohesion, leisure via internet, encouraging the use of public space can be considered more important than ever.