Fernando Gaona

Deputy Headquarters & Security Advisor, Municipal Police, Xabia (Spain)

European Projects Coordinator, Securirty Advisor Supervisor & Terrorism Analyst Expert


Do you have any specific hopes or predictions for the future of urban security? (What will urban security look like in 30 years? What will be the main opportunities and risks?)

The urban security of the future must be observed from a global point of view, taking into account the new technological requirements and the new emerging threats. The society of the future will be diverse and changing faced with these new situations and the public spaces that are shared must be designed based on all these changes, prediction and prevention will be key to achieve these objectives.


Why do you think it is so important to involve citizens in urban security practice?

Centuries ago cities or urban settlements were built based on preventing external threats, today we must design cities thinking about threats from the inside to the outside.